Welcome to our webinar replay page, where you can access a collection of informative video recordings. These videos are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of our cybersecurity solution and its relevance to Telco operators and Enterprise customers. Whether you are a telco professional, decision-maker, or simply interested in the field of cybersecurity, these videos offer valuable insights about cellular IoT security market needs and Shield-IoT cybersecurity platform capabilities.
Enterprise security threats and compliance challenges are on the rise, providing a unique opportunity for cellular IoT connectivity service providers to generate new revenue streams.
The webinar unveils key findings from a new 2024 survey of IoT security professionals, analysing the perceptions and requirements of IoT security and connectivity professionals worldwide.
With 66% of responders reporting the ability to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations was either very, or extremely important, and with cellular IoT security emerging as a top priority, this webinar explores how asset visibility, threat management and compliance have become essential for enterprise effective security strategies, as evidenced by survey responses across 13 market segments.
Discover how payment industry giants like Mastercard address the growing threat of IoT payment devices, and how leading connectivity service providers have created a competitive advantage by providing IoT security value-added services to their business customers.
A comprehensive presentation by Udi Solomon, CEO of Shield-IoT, focusing on the latest trends and challenges in cellular IoT security, as well as the unique monetization opportunities for Connectivity Service Providers (CSPs).
The presentation covers Shield-IoT’s AI-driven Asset Intelligence and Threat Management SaaS/cloud platform, its technology, operations, and the benefits it offers to end customers. It also outlines the current business and pricing models used by CSPs to successfully monetize their cellular IoT networks at scale.
Visibility is key in an organization’s efforts to effectively monitor, manage, and secure its IoT networks. Businesses today face a visibility challenge. Although they own the devices and data, the out-of-perimeter cellular networks do not belong to them. This creates a paradox: to achieve the necessary visibility, organizations are forced to deploy hardware and software in the field.
This approach is not only costly but also high-risk, especially in cases where devices are scattered across numerous locations, such as EV charging stations, Point-of-Sale, or Smart Grids. For mobility-related use cases, where there are no fixed locations to capture and analyze traffic, this method becomes impractical. Consequently, most organizations today only have limited visibility into device communications that reach their premise. But why is this a problem?
If you could not attend the live Q&A session during the webinar, you can still submit your questions through our contact form or email, and our experts will be happy to provide you with answers and guidance.
Feel free to send an email message to: noam@shieldiot.io